Services at this server

This server hosts two services relating to production resource descriptions. The first is a set of ontologies used for capability modelling and capability matchmaking, and the second is production resource descriptions. These models are used to describe the capabilities and other characteristics of production resources, information which can be utilised later by different engineering and control applications for production system design, reconfiguration and deployment. These are also providing backbone for information exchange about the production resources.


This service defines a few ontologies:

These ontologies and associated models are explained more in ReCaM Deliverable 3.1.

Resource Description Web Service

The Resource Description Web Service is aimed to distribute and share the production resource descriptions. These are digital representations of the production resources. With this service some manipulations can be made like: creating documentation or some sort of customised templates, searching suitable resources, and of course, downloading the resource description files.

There are two timely divided versions of Resource Description WS. The latest is Resource Description Web Service, which has been in active development since the beginning of 2016.

The former is Emplacement WS (2006-2015), which contains former data models and resources modelled with these formats. This web service is not updated anymore and should not be used.


Software library providing an Application Program Interface (API) to both capability and resources related ontologies and resource descriptions.


Contact and additional information: Niko Siltala, Eeva Järvenpää and Prof. Minna Lanz

This service is provided by Tampere University / Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (ENS) / Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering (ATME) / Production Systems group.


This service is associated to and got funding from the following EU projects: